Art market participants
Who should register.
An art market participant under the money laundering regulations is a company or sole
practitioner who is either:
- 'by way of business' trading in, or acts as an intermediary in, the buying or selling
of works of art where the transaction value (or a series of linked transactions) is
10,000 euros or more
- the operator of a Freeport storing works of art in the Freeport and the value for a
person (or a series of linked persons) is 10,000 euros or more
An intermediary is someone who, by way of business, is actively involved in the sale or
purchase of a work of art, on behalf of a seller or buyer. This involves dealing with more
than one party. The intermediary will have authority to act on behalf of a seller or buyer.
You should register as an art market participant if you:
- negotiate the price of the art piece with another art market participant
- act on behalf of a customer during a sale or purchase
More information about art market regulations available